Author(s): CAMPANA BONILLA, M.V., Institution: BEIJING SPORT UNIVERSITY, Country: CHINA, Abstract-ID: 1192

The action of the ankle joint in a layup shot is crucial for youth players in a competition. Studies showed that angles of ankle joints inversion and dorsiflexion influence layup performance. Ankle joint angles and the muscles involved in ankle joint plantar flexion participate in the layup technique. The performance of layups requires a variable effect of acceleration, this happens as a consequence of high-intensity actions in the match. Therefore, these variables may be useful for understanding and estimating ankle joint movement demands in matches with young players. The objective of this study is to analyze the ankle joint angles and acceleration in layup performance in a youth basketball match.
Six male youth basketball athletes (15.50 ± 1.05 years, 179.17 ± 8.18 cm, 73.08 ± 20.27 kg) participated in this study. The participants signed a parent informed consent and the Research Review Board of the institution approved this study. Two portable Witmotion sensors (Serial WT9011DCL-BT Bluetooth 5.0 AHRS IMU sensor 3 axes with an acceleration measurement range of 16g/s2 and a sampling rate of 20 Hz) were attached at the lateral malleolus of the participant’s right and left ankles joint. The protocol consisted during the resting time of their basketball game, each subject was instructed to stand at the three-point line, after the signal of a whistle, the subject performed one layup with their dominant hand using maximum effort. Tri-axial acceleration X, Y, Z (ACCX, ACCY, ACCZ) and angles X, Y, and Z (ANGX, ANGY, ANGZ) data were collected respectively, one-way with repeated measures ANOVA and Friedman tests were used to compare the differences, significant levels were set at p ≤ 0.05.
The results show significant differences in ankle joint acceleration: ACCY (p< 0.001) and ACCZ (p= 0.013), and there were no significant results in ACCX between the subjects. Meanwhile, within-subjects effects showed significant levels in ankle joint angles: ANGX (p< 0.001), ANGY (p= 0.008), and ANGZ (p= 0.021) subsequently. In addition, the results obtained from the Friedman test showed significant differences between the subjects in ACCZ, ANGX, and ANGZ (p< 0.001).
This study analyzed the ankle joint motion in a layup during a youth basketball match. The results demonstrated substantial variations of ACCY and ACCZ in the left and right ankle movements that would influence layup performance. Furthermore, left and right ankle motion showed predominant changes in ankle angle during the layup technique between all the participants. These findings revealed that ankle angle and acceleration variations suggest a more detailed analysis of different technique levels during a high-intensity action in basketball. The estimation of acceleration and angles in this research could be a reference applicable during youth basketball matches. Moreover, the use of portable sensors might support in-field feedback for coaches and athletes.
1. Wang, L., et al. Sci Rep 13, 18667 (2023)