Author(s): WANG, Z., SUN, Z., Institution: BEIJING SPORT UNIVERSITY, Country: CHINA, Abstract-ID: 2041

Intergenerational career mobility has always been a social issue of great concern to scholars, and the phenomenon of class solidification, such as "like father,like son", has attracted widespread attention. Similarly, intergenerational transfer of careers has been occurring in the field of sports. In addition to the role of parental predisposition differences, family cultural capital, as an important means of maintaining class status, has also become a key concern of sociological scholars in recent years. The study takes Bourdieus capital theory as the basic theoretical support, starts from the perspective of "intergenerational inheritance" and "reproduction", and employs the research methods of literature, field survey and interviews to study the dynamic process of intergenerational inheritance and reproduction of the familys sports and cultural capital, and to find out the relationship between sports experience and career. The study was conducted to find out the influencing factors and mechanisms of intergenerational transmission of sports experiences and careers, to explore the internal logic and external influencing factors, and to comprehensively analyse and explore the contents, links and characteristics of the process of transferring and reproducing the familys cultural capital. The study found that, firstly, parents who have rich family cultural capital and benefit from it tend to have stronger motives for transferring family cultural capital out of the importance they attach to family and education, and the concern about their own status and the future development of their children. Secondly, the mechanism of intergenerational transmission and reproduction of family cultural capital is expressed through two fields: the primary transmission in the family and the indirect transmission in the school. Third, the transmission of family cultural capital is a dynamic process, including three stages: transmission, reproduction and conversion. Fourthly, the intergenerational transmission and reproduction of family cultural capital is uncertain, lengthy and persistent.