Author(s): DONG FANG, J.D., WANG, C.M., WU, Y.T., Institution: SOOCHOW UNIVERSITY (TAIWAN), Country: TAIWAN, Abstract-ID: 304

School is a places for education, socializing, and interdisciplinary learning, where teachers and student have interaction. Therefore, studies seek strategies to improve relationships between teacher and students in physical education. Teaching-learning process can assist in personal development and social responsibility. This study attempted to construct a motivational climate model by combining the empowerment motivational climate, self-determined motivation and social responsibility models, with the purpose of verifying the appropriateness of this model.
The study distributed 450 questionnaire among university students in Taiwan were selected as the sample for the purpose of this study after elimination a total of 410 valid questionnaire was used. A 5-point Likert scale was used in this study, with 5 being the highest agreeable scale and 1 being the least agreeable. The collected survey consist of 157 male and 253 female with age 20.39 ± .This study analyzed using structural equation modeling with CFA to test for reliability and validity and to test the relationship among the variables.
The analysis showed that the measurement model has a good fitness indicator where the χ2/df value was smaller than the value of 5, and the RMSEA was at .10 which met the criteria. This study showed that GFIand AGFI was both greater than the value of 0.80. Additionally, the self-determined motivation had the exploratory power of relatedness R2 was .34 giving an exploratory power of 34% and competence R2 was .14 with an exploratory power of 14% and autonomy of R2 was.36 which made up 36% exploratory power. Furthermore, social responsibility showed that helping other R2 was .40 with an exploratory power of 40%, cooperating R2 was .34 with an exploratory power of 34% and leadership R2 was .38 with an exploratory power of 38%.
The empowering motivational climate to relatedness showed the highest positive relationship. Moreover, relatedness also showed strong positive relationship toward helping others. All empowering motivational climate had an overal positivel relationship on the self-determined motivation and self-determined motivation also had a positive relation on social responsibility of helping others, cooperating, and leading. In terms of the effect value in the case of a positive overall effect of basic needs on the social responsibility variables of helping others, cooperating, and leading, relatedness showed the overall highest in helping others. Based on the research results, empowerment and self-determined motivation is vital for teaching-learning process for student in physical education, as it can assist in students in self-development and a sense of social responsibility.