Become an ambassador for our College by becoming an ECSS Fellow

The next Fellowship application window will be from 15 February to 15 March 2024.

Fellows of the ECSS have made a significant contribution to the development of sport science through research and have supported the College immensely. ECSS Fellowship is approved by the Credentials, Awards & Tributes Committee, following an application process.

Applications can be submitted to and must include:

All applicants are kindly asked to also update their ECSS account details (incl. their main research area) in case they are outdated, as we will need this information (if the application is accepted) for our official Fellowship announcement and other communication channels.

Please note that according to the current ECSS bye-laws:

  1. Fellows who have not paid their membership fees for two consecutive years will lose their ECSS Fellow status.
  2. ECSS Fellows over the age of 70 will receive a free ECSS Fellowship (membership).

Expectations of ECSS Fellows:

Our main expectation of Fellows is to champion ECSS and be an ambassador for the College. This could incorporate some of the following activities which support the College’s mission:

Disseminate high quality, innovative science

Empower the development of young scientists

Build and retain an engaged ECSS community


  1. Fellow applications are collected by the ECSS office within the application window (February 15 – March 15).
  2. ECSS office ensures that the person fulfils all criteria.
  3. If the person fulfils all criteria, it will be viewed by the Credentials, Awards, and Tributes Committee consisting of the Past President, current President, and chair of the Scientific Board.
  4. The list of successful applicants is subsequently viewed by the Executive Board to complete the due diligence check.
  5. All successful Fellow applicants will be notified by the ECSS with a personalised certificate and signature banner inviting them to attend the upcoming congress.
  6. The database is updated and the new Fellow (when they have paid the annual membership) will appear on the ECSS website.

Please download the ECSS Fellowship Application Form here.

A list of our current Fellows can be found below:

Nr. Last name First name Institution Country
1. Aagaard Per University of Southern Denmark Denmark
2. Alcazar Julian University of Castilla-La Mancha Spain
3. Alegre Luis M. Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha Spain
4. Al-Hazzaa Hazzaa Princess Nourah University Saudi Arabia
5. Ali Ajmol Massey University New Zealand
6. Ara Ignacio University of Castilla-La Mancha Spain
7. Armstrong Neil University of Exeter United Kingdom
8. Askew Christopher University of the Sunshine Coast Australia
9. Bailey Stephen Loughborough University United Kingdom
10. Balaguer Isabel University of Valencia Spain
11. Balasekaran Govindasamy Nanyang Technological University Singapore
12. Baltzopoulos Bill Liverpool John Moores University United Kingdom
13. Beato Marco University of Suffolk United Kingdom
14. Behm David Memorial University of Newfoundland Canada
15. Bellinger Phillip Griffith University Australia
16. Birklbauer Anita University of Salzburg Austria
17. Bishop David Victoria University Australia
18. Blazevich Anthony Edith Cowan University Australia
19. Bober Tadeusz Academy of Physical Education Poland
20. Bogdanis Gregory National & Kapodistrian University of Athens Greece
21. Bonato Matteo Università degli Studi di Milano Italy
22. Bondi Danilo University of Chieti - Pescara Italy
23. Boreham Colin University College Dublin Ireland
24. Breen Leigh University of Birmingham United Kingdom
25. BROCHERIE FRANCK French Institute of Sport (INSEP) France
26. Brooks George University of California United States
27. Buckley Jonathan University of South Australia Australia
28. Budde Henning Medical School Hamburg Germany
29. Burniston Jatin Liverpool John Moores University United Kingdom
30. Burr Jamie University of Guelph Canada
31. Cable Tim Manchester Metropolitan University United Kingdom
32. Cabri Jan Luxembourg Institute of Research in Orthopedics, Sports Medicine and Science Luxembourg
33. Carter James Gatorade Sports Science Institute United Kingdom
34. Chen Trevor Chung-Ching National Taiwan Normal University Taiwan
35. Close Graeme Liverpool John Moores University United Kingdom
36. Collins Malcolm University of Cape Town South Africa
37. Cortis Cristina University of Cassino e Lazio Meridionale Italy
38. Couppé Christian University of Copenhagen Denmark
39. Csapo Robert University of Vienna Austria
40. Davison Richard University of the West of Scotland United Kingdom
41. De Ste Croix Mark University Of Gloucestershire United Kingdom
42. De Vito Giuseppe University of Padova: Universita degli Studi di Padova Italy
43. Dela Flemming University of Copenhagen Denmark
44. Derave Wim Ghent University Belgium
45. di Prampero Pietro Enrico Università degli Studi di Udine Italy
46. Ditroilo Massimiliano University College Dublin Ireland
47. Doll-Tepper Gudrun Freie Universität Berlin Germany
48. Duda Joan University of Birmingham United Kingdom
49. Edwards Andrew Canterbury Christ Church University United Kingdom
50. Elbe Anne-Marie Leipzig University Germany
51. Eynon Nir Monash University Australia
52. Federolf Peter University of Innsbruck Austria
53. Ferrauti Alexander Ruhr University Bochum Germany
54. Finni Taija University of Jyvaskyla Finland
55. Fiorenzo Moscatelli Univerisity of Foggia Italy
56. Franchi Martino University of Padova Italy
57. Froberg Karsten University of Southern Denmark Denmark
58. Galloway Stuart University of Stirling United Kingdom
59. Galvani Christel Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Italy
60. Gehring Dominic University of Freiburg Germany
61. George Keith Liverpool John Moores University United Kingdom
62. Gollhofer Albert University of Freiburg Germany
63. González-Alonso José Brunel University London United Kingdom
64. Granacher Urs University of Freiburg Germany
65. Green Daniel The University of Western Australia Australia
66. Grimminger-Seidensticker Elke University of Paderborn Germany
67. Grospretre Sidney C3S - EA4660 France
68. Gruber Markus University of Konstanz Germany
69. Guadalupe Grau Amelia Castilla-La Mancha University Spain
70. Guilhem Gael French Institute of Sport (INSEP) France
71. Guo Lan-Yuen Kaohsiung Medical University Taiwan
72. Hamlin Mike Lincoln University New Zealand
73. Hanley Brian Leeds Beckett University United Kingdom
74. Havenith George Loughborough University United Kingdom
75. Hecksteden Anne Universität Innsbruck Austria
76. Hedenborg Susanna Malmö University Sweden
77. Helge Jørn Wulff University of Copenhagen Denmark
78. Hendricks Sharief University of Cape Town South Africa
79. Henriksson Jan Karolinska Institutet Sweden
80. Hettinga Florentina J Northumbria University United Kingdom
81. Hopkins Will Victoria University Australia
82. Hoppeler Hans University of Bern Switzerland
83. Howatson Glyn Northumbria University United Kingdom
84. Impellizzeri Franco M. University of Technology of Sydney Australia
85. Jones Andrew Exeter University United Kingdom
86. Kalliokoski Kari University of Turku Finland
87. Kamijo Keita Chukyo University Japan
88. Kay Anthony The University of Northampton United Kingdom
89. Kilding Andrew AUT University New Zealand
90. Kippelen Pascale Brunel University London United Kingdom
91. Kolimechkov Stefan University of Greenwich United Kingdom
92. Lamberts Robert Stellenbosch University South Africa
93. Lauber Benedikt University of Fribourg Switzerland
94. Leicht Anthony James Cook University Australia
95. Louis Julien Liverpool John Moores University United Kingdom
96. Lucas Sam University of Birmingham United Kingdom
97. Ludyga Sebastian University of Basel Switzerland
98. Lystad Reidar Macquarie University Australia
99. Maffiuletti Nicola Schulthess Clinic Switzerland
100. Malisoux Laurent Luxembourg Institute of Health Luxembourg
101. Mamen Asgeir Kristiania University College Norway
102. Martin-Rincon Marcos University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Spain
103. Mc Naughton Lars Edge Hill University United Kingdom
104. Meeusen Romain Vrije Universiteit Brussel Belgium
105. Mekjavic Igor Jozef Stefan Institute Slovenia
106. Mello Marco Tulio Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Brazil
107. Michaelides Marcos UCLAN Cyprus Cyprus
108. Migliaccio Gian Mario San Raffaele Open University Italy
109. Misigoj Durakovic Marjeta Faculty of Kinesiology University of Zagreb Croatia
110. Monte Andrea University of Verona Italy
111. Morales-Álamo David Las Palmas University Spain
112. Mougios Vassilis Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Greece
113. Mukherjee Swarup National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Singapore
114. Müller Erich University of Salzburg Austria
115. Mundel Toby Brock University Canada
116. Nagatomi Ryoichi Tohoku University Japan
117. Narici Marco University of Padova Italy
118. Nassis George University of Southern Denmark Denmark
119. Nicol Caroline Aix-Marseille Université France
120. Noordhof Dionne Norwegian University of Science and Technology Norway
121. Padulo Johnny Università degli Studi di Milano Italy
122. Paoli Antonio University of Padova Italy
123. Paradisis Giorgos National & Kapodistrian University of Athens Greece
124. Parpa Koulla Uclan University of Cyprus Cyprus
125. Patriksson Goran Göteborg University Sweden
126. Pedersen Bente Klarlund Rigshospitalet Denmark
127. Périard Julien University of Canberra Australia
128. Peters Derek University of Worcester United Kingdom
129. Pfister Gertrud University of Copenhagen Denmark
130. Piacentini Maria Francesca University of Rome-Foro Italico Italy
131. Pilz-Burstein Rutie Sport- A Bridge To Education Israel
132. Polman Remco Federation University Australia
133. Raastad Truls Norwegian School of Sport Sciences Norway
134. Randell Rebecca Gatorade Sports Science Institute United Kingdom
135. Reljic Dejan University Hospital Erlangen Germany
136. Roelands Bart Vrije Universiteit Brussel Belgium
137. Rollo Ian Gatorade Sports Science Institute United Kingdom
138. Romann Michael Swiss Federal Institue of Sport Magglingen Switzerland
139. Saris Wim H.M. Maastricht University Netherlands
140. September Alison University of Cape Town South Africa
141. Seynnes Olivier Norwegian School of Sport Sciences Norway
142. Siu Parco The University of Hong Kong China
143. Sjøgaard Gisela University of Southern Denmark Denmark
144. Skorski Sabrina University of Saarland Germany
145. Song Wook Seoul National University Korea, South
146. Steinacker Jürgen Michael Universität Ulm Germany
147. Stevens Christopher Southern Cross University Australia
148. Taube Wolfgang University of Freiburg Switzerland
149. Taylor Ian Loughborough University United Kingdom
150. Taylor Lee Loughborough University United Kingdom
151. Thompson Janice The University of Birmingham United Kingdom
152. Tilp Markus University Graz Austria
153. Triska Christoph Leistungssport Austria Austria
154. van Coppenolle Herman Faculty of Kinesiology and Rehabilitation Sciences Belgium
155. Van Lieshout Johannes Lab Clin Cardiovasc Physiol, Heart Failure Research Centre Amsterdam Netherlands
156. van Loon Luc Maastricht University Medical Centre Netherlands
157. van Mechelen Willem VU University Medical Center Netherlands
158. Vanhatalo Anni University of Exeter United Kingdom
159. Verdijk Lex Maastricht University Medical Centre Netherlands
160. Verhagen Evert VU University medical center Netherlands
161. Vicente-Rodríguez German University of Zaragoza Spain
162. Vogt Tobias German Sport University Germany
163. Wagenmakers Anton Liverpool John Moores University United Kingdom
164. Wallis Gareth University of Birmingham United Kingdom
165. Wessner Barbara University of Vienna Austria
166. Wiewelhove Thimo IST University of Applied Sciences Germany
167. Willems Mark University of Chichester United Kingdom
168. Wiskemann Joachim National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT) Germany
169. Wong Del P. Hong Kong Metropolitan University Hong Kong