Abstract details

Abstract-ID: 1949
Title of the paper: Analysis of Eye Gaze during Offense Situation without Ball Holding in Basketball : Comparison of Skilled and Unskilled Players
Authors: Saito, T., Nakajima, T.
Institution: ??????????
Department: ???????????
Country: Japan
Abstract text Introduction:
Vickers (1996) found that players with a free throw success rate of 75% or more are characterized by a long gaze on one point in the ring just before the start of the ball down, while players with a free throw success rate of 60% or less have an unstable gaze in the ring or backboard. Kato (2002) reported that skilled people are relatively looking at the center of the field of view, but unskilled people tend to vary greatly from enforcement to enforcement. In addition, the gaze behavior of skilled people when jump shot and rebounding is revealed. However, there are few previous studies focusing on the gaze behavior during ball non-possession.
The purpose of this study is to clarify the gaze behavior of skilled basketball players when they do not have a ball in offense comparing unskilled players.

The subjects were six male students who belonged to the Hokkaido University mens basketball first division league as skilled players and six general male students who did not specialize in basketball as unskilled players. The subject players played half-court 3vs3 games wearing the eye tracker (Tobii Glasses 3). We analyzed the number of gazing targets, number of gazes, and gazing time regarding players gazing behavior when they were not in possession of the ball. Data were statistically compared between skilled and unskilled players.

Results and discussion:
Skilled players tend to look at the empty space, teammates, and defense more often than unskilled players. In addition, skilled players shifted their gaze fast, and obtained a lot of visual information by looking at more objects even in the same time. On the other hand, unskilled players tended to look at the ball holder. In a study by Ishibashi et al. (2010), it is reported that unskilled players tend to place their gaze on the ball, and the rate of skilled players placing their gaze on the ball is low. As a result, unskilled players received fewer passes and took fewer shots at the goal than skilled players. From this, it is consider that the ball holder does not contain important clues to run into the space and get a pass.

1)Vickers, J.N, Visual control when aiming at a far target, 1996
2)Takaaki Kato et al, Visual search activities of the defensive player of a basketball, 2002
3) Yukimasa Ishibashi et al, Visual Search Behavior of Experienced Players while Anticipating the Success of Basketball Free Throws, 2010
Topic: Training and Testing
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